the year in review

Look what I did in 2022! Click any of the images below for a link to my author page at AMZ.

What’s been said about these: BE MINE - “This is a wonderful piece of writing.” - Queeromance Ink; UNMASKED - “The dark side of celebrity—and eventually the unshared  traumas of their past lives—get brought into the story, providing moments of emotional intensity and shocking revelation.” - Queeromance Ink.

These next two novel-length titles are, while not ‘gay’ romance, definitely queer. SEXTETTE is a set of three interwoven stories set in Edwardian England circa 1906.

A reader has this to say about SEXTETTE: “I'm familiar with Alexandra Caluen's contemporary romances so was delightfully surprised to feel her voice switch into a series of vignettes, all first person narrated by a group of friends in early 1900's England. The friends are diverse by culture, race and sexuality. Too often historical novels are written as if cis gender white people are centre stage and everyone else is eating popcorn so I appreciated the perspectives brought by the narrators, all still written in the elegant language of the time. Some romance, some adventure and interesting characters with complex relationships and all ending happily. Who could ask for anything more.”

Meanwhile, UNDERTOW describes the formation of a F/F/M relationship in Los Angeles circa pandemic. Both these titles feature polyamorous characters in highly-tolerant found-family communities. I’ll keep promoting this one, trying for a review - it’s not the usual poly/menage romance, but it’s very much part of my romance universe and I think my readers will like it when they try it.

What’s been said about these: COME TO ME - “What made this book a particular pleasure for me is the fact that it is written, with intent and care for detail, as a document of the 2020 pandemic year. It was almost as if I’d been waiting for someone to do this, as it gave me an odd sense of relief. In its own way, it’s a perfect jewel of a romance.” - Queeromance Ink; SCREW YOUR COURAGE - “This is a heartfelt story, told with passion and joy. Casimir finds he has more support than he imagined as he screws his courage to the sticking place. It is a brave and lovely story with no chapters. Just go with it – you’ll love it as much as I did.” - Queeromance Ink.

What’s been said about these:

MY HOLIDAY STAR - “The heroes realize that they will deserve love only when they feel secure, and what is wanted isn’t just an affair but a true relationship. Author Caluen masters the flow of events and people just perfectly and with great insight. Let’s “… make sure we’re not mistaking drama for romance.” Ordinarily, I would offer a plethora of piquant quotes from the work being reviewed – a clever (cheap?) proof of the pudding. Not here, as the style itself is so essential to full enjoyment. This is how quality gay romance for grownups should be written. Enjoy, please.” - Rainbow Book Reviews.

On THIS TIME - “You sure know how to set a hook. If the setup had been described to me I’d have been meh, but the first lines had me already committed. You really pack a lot of emotional movement into a small space. I loved the way the two of them unfolded more and more, like undoing origami.” - A Reader

So what happens in 2023? There’s a lot of possibilities, and a lot of work in progress, but nothing to announce. Soon, though. ;-)

Haven’t decided on a New Year’s resolution yet? Here’s one: read more romance!

a best list

on sale for December